59 research outputs found

    The effects of uninsulated sewage tanks on groundwater. A case study in an eastern Hungarian settlement

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    In our study we attempt to demonstrate the effects of uninsulated sewage tanks, which are the most important sources of contamination in settlements without sewage systems, on groundwater quality. We compared the results of measurements carried out before and one and a half years after the construction of the sewage system. We established 3 m deep monitoring wells within a 25 m radius of a sewage tank, which were then sampled, and the level of groundwater was recorded. The 3D model constructed on the basis of the saturated zone shows that the effluent wastewater formed a groundwater level dome with a height of more than 1 m. After the sewage tank was taken out of use the difference between the highest and lowest groundwater levels decreased to a few centimetres. In our study we investigated the spatial distribution of NH4 + (ammonium). Using the 3D model we were able to precisely determine the volume of water bodies with different levels of contamination. In an approximately 25 m3 water body, in the immediate environment of a sewage tank in use we detected NH4 + at a concentration which was characteristic of undiluted wastewater (>90 mg∙dm–3). After the sewage tank was taken out of use, the concentration in its immediate environment decreased by more than 50%, although almost everywhere in the modelled area concentrations were measured above the limit value. Based on the above, we can conclude that the cleaning process has started, but the complete decontamination of the groundwater will take several years.W pracy podjęto próbę wykazania wpływów nieizolowanych zbiorników ściekowych, które są głównym źródłem zanieczyszczenia w osiedlach pozbawionych kanalizacji, na jakość wód gruntowych. Porównano wyniki pomiarów prowadzonych przed i półtora roku po zbudowaniu systemu kanalizacyjnego. W promieniu 25 m od zbiornika ściekowego zainstalowano studzienki o głębokości 3 m, z których pobierano próbki i mierzono w nich poziom wód gruntowych. Na podstawie trójwymiarowego modelu zbudowanego ze znajomością strefy saturacji stwierdzono, że wypływające ścieki uformowały wypukłe zwierciadło wód gruntowych o wysokości ponad 1 m. Po wyłączeniu zbiornika ścieków z eksploatacji różnica pomiędzy najwyższym i najniższym poziomem wód gruntowych zmalała do kilku centymetrów. W przedstawionych badaniach analizowano przestrzenne rozmieszczenie jonów amonowych (NH4 +). Stosując trójwymiarowy model można było precyzyjnie określić objętość wody o różnym stopniu zanieczyszczenia. W 25 m3 wody w bezpośrednim otoczeniu używanego zbiornika ściekowego wykryto jony amonowe w stężeniu typowym dla nierozcieńczonych ścieków (>90 mg∙dm–3). Po wyłączeniu zbiornika z eksploatacji stężenie to zmalało o ponad 50%, choć niemal wszędzie nadal przekraczało dopuszczalne normy. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników można wnioskować, że proces oczyszczania został rozpoczęty, ale całkowita dekontaminacja zajmie kilka lat


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    Introduction: Overweight and obesity are major problems in our society, because it’s prevalence among children and adolescents aged 5-19 has risen dramatically from just 4% in 1975 to just over 18% in 2016. The rise has occurred similarly among both boys and girls: in 2016 18% of girls and 19% of boys were overweight. While just under 1% of children and adolescents aged 5-19 were obese in 1975, more 124 million children and adolescents (6% of girls and 8% of boys) were obese in 2016 (WHO, 2021). Objectives: The aim of our research is to examine the relationship between the time allocated to physical education at school and overweight/obesity in 6-10 year old children on a global and continental level. Methods: Our study is a cross-sectional, population-based descriptive study. We used the data from the World-wide Survey of School Physical Education report published by UNESCO in 2013. We used BMI for the age group 6-10 years from the database published by the Global Burden of Disease Collaborative Network. The GDP data for the countries was taken from the database of the United Nations Economic Commissions for Europe. Results: In our study, we analyze data from 145 countries on six continents. The average time devoted to physical education in these countries is 95.6±35.0 minutes per week. The minimum is 30 minutes and the maximum is 225 minutes. The 90 minutes occurs with the highest frequency, 26 times. The median also shows the 90-minute value. Examining the results by continent, it is revealed that significantly more time is devoted to school physical education in Europe than in Africa (p=0.020) and Asia (p=0.022), but there is no significant difference between the average of the other three continents and Europe. A Spearman’s rank-order correlation was run to assess the relationship between GDP and physical education time allocation. One hundred forty states were included in the analysis. There was a weak positive statistically significant correlation between GDP and physical education time allocation, rs(128) = .298, p < .001. Conclusions: The amount of time devoted to physical education at school shows a wide variation from state to state. The time allocated to physical education at school is 95.6 minutes on average. Europe and Australia/Oceania are the two continents where the most time (about 110 minutes) is devoted to physical education per week. We did not find a relationship between the time devoted to physical education at school and the frequency of obesity or overweight

    A veleszületett dongaláb pathogenezisének kutatása

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    A SE Orthopédiai Klinikán 1998 és 2002 között 29 műtétre került idiopathiás és 15 AMC-s dongalábas gyermekből vettünk biopsziás ideg és izommintákat. Betegenként átlag 3 izommintavétel történt. Összesen 102 izmot és 34 n. suralist elemeztünk komplex kvalitatív és kvantitatív morfológiai módszerek alkalmazásával. A dongalábas izmok neuropathológiai eltéréseit izomfajtánként kiértékeltük és az AMC-s izmokban talált eltérésekkel összehasonlítottuk. Számítógéppel vezérelt idegmorfometriai elemzést adaptáltuk Magyarországra. A dongalábas nervus suralisokat CAMoN szoftverrel analizáltuk. Klinikai és morfológiai összehasonlító vizsgálatot végeztünk. Nem találtunk signifikáns összefüggést az egy vagy több lábizomban észlelt patológiai elváltozás súlyossága és a láb funkciója között. Megállapítottuk, hogy az irodalmi adatok és a mi adataink között nincs jelentős eltérés. A kutatás folyamán azonban olyan morfológiai ismeretekhez jutottunk, melyek alapján a kóreredetére vonatkozóan új elméletet fogalmaztunk meg. Felmérésünk az első teljes igényű morfológiai vizsgálatnak tekinthető Magyarországon. | Sural and nerve biopsies were obtained from 29 children with congenital clubfoot and 15 children with arthrogryposis multiplex congenita operated in period 1998 and 2002 at the Department of Orthopaedics, Semmelweis University. On average 3 muscle biopsies were taken out of every patients. 102 muscles and 34 sural nerves were studied with complex qualitative and quantitative morphological methods. Neuropathological alterations of all muscles types occured in the patients with idiopathic clubfoot were evaluated and compaired with muscle alterations of the arthrogryposis multiplex congenita. Computer assisted morphometric analysis was adapted in Hungary. Sural nerves of the clubfeet were analysed with CAMoN3 software. Clinical and morphological comparative examination was made. We found no significant correlation between seriousness of the pathological lesion observed in one or more muscles of feet and function of the foot. We found no significant difference between data of the other papers and own data. However in the course of the study we found new morphological infomations on base of those we put forward a new pathogenetic theory. Our survay is the first full exact morphological investigation in Hungary

    Effect of capsaicin on voltage-gated currents of trigeminal neurones in cell culture and slice preparations

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    Effects of capsaicin on voltage-gated currents were examinedin vitro by whole-cell patch-clamp recordings from small neurones of rat trigeminal ganglia either in slice preparations or in different cell cultures. Cells were classified as sensitive to capsaicin if they responded with inward current and/or conductance change to the agent in nanomolar concentration. Capsaicin (150 to 330 nM) in sensitive cells reduced the mixed inward current evoked by depolarizing step or ramp commands in all preparations. In cultured cells, the inward current was depressed to 32.78±26.42% (n = 27) of the control. Both the tetrodotoxin-sensitive and -resistant inward currents were affected. The data support the concept that capsaicin besides acting on VR-1 receptors inhibits also some voltage gated channels. In 34 cultured cells, capsaicin increased the slope conductance to 170.5±68%. Percentage of capsaicin sensitive cells observed in nerve growth factor-treated cultured cell populations was higher (77.8%) than in the two other preparations (14.3 or 38.8%). It is concluded that 1) depression of the voltage-gated currents may play an important role in the functional desensitization of the sensory receptors and in the analgesic effect induced by the agent and 2) cell body of sensory neurones under native condition seems less sensitive to capsaicin then that of cells cultured in the presence of nerve growth factor